The collaborative initiative
Narrating Climate Futures is a collaborative initiative in which we explore the narratives and stories of climate futures. The initiative was launched in September 2017, and is funded by the Vice Chancellor of Lund University.
Grappling with the challenge of climate change requires action in the present that addresses how we want the future to unfold. This requires the foresight of imagining alternative futures and how our actions can shape the world to come. There are a range of techniques to this end – from modelling and scenario techniques, demonstration and experimentation, to cultural interventions. While diverse in their aims, they all rely on forms of narrative: of telling compelling stories about the nature of a world that changes, or needs to change, in response to climate change. The aim of the collaborative initiative Narrating Climate Futures is to create a platform through which to activate a new conversation about the potential of these narrative techniques among researchers and practitioners. In particular, we explore how these narratives can catalyse the forms of political, economic and cultural responses required for a climate changed world, and post-fossil futures in particular.
During 2020-2022 we will develop four new themes that extend and develop the collaborative initiative in new directions through engaging with youth perspectives, the corona crisis, everyday stories of transition, and the worldwide reception of the exhibition Carbon Ruins.

Storytelling and climate change
For the aim of imagining and narrating climate futures, we build largely upon four narrative techniques: modelling and scenarios, demonstration and experimentation, transition pathways and visions, and cultural interventions